Can You Get The Man Of Your Dreams? The Answer Is Yes If You Can Score 10/13
Via WallpaperBetter
You suprised your man with a romantic dinner only because...
You wanted to do something special
You want to ask for something
You went on a day trip to a new place because...
You wanted to do something new together
When you are watching a movie...
You hold hands and steal kisses
You pay attention to the movie because it's a good one
You fall asleep in the middle of the movie
You eat snacks all the time
When you're having a really bad day...
You clear your mind reading or watching TV
You text him to let him know how you feel
If he sends you a beautiful bouquet, the first thing you do...
Take pictures and show them to your friends
You don't like flowers so you don't say anything
You buy him something in return
Your man made a mistake at work and you
Scold him. He needs to be responsible
Feel embarrased. That's your man messing up
Hug him. Maybe he acted wrong but he needs it
Laugh. It was a bit funny
If you hurt his feelings, you...
Apologize immediately, you know you were wrong
Wait until he brings it up
Avoid it. He will let it go
You didn't do anything wrong
You are super busy and he calls you, you...
Don't answer, you're slammed
Ignore the call, he'll take the hint
Pick up just to let him know you'll call him back
Text him to stop calling you
He goes out with his friends, you...
Call him just to talk, you miss him
Are happy he's having a nice time
Text him to come home soon
Get upset. You don't like him going out without you
When you two have an argument, you...
Shut down, you hate confrontations
Get super angry and won't let him speak
Leave without having a conversation
Cry but try to have a conversation
Since you started dating him, you...
Don't go out alone, you want to be with him all the time
Make time for your friends and hobbies
Do everything together, you are inseparable
Stop doing the things you loved. Now it's all about you two
When he wants to achieve a new goal, you...
You had a really long week, you...
Go to sleep as soon as you get home
Try to be loving at least for a bit
Tell him you are too tired
Ask him not to bother you
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