Do You Have A Mental Disorder?
Via Canva
What would you do if a stranger mistakenly steps on your foot?
Fire back insulting words that would make me feel comfortable
Excuse myself and advise them to watch their steps
I would definitely kill them or punch them
Scare them with an aggressive look
What kind of music do you love?
Hate music! Its kind of noise to me
Gospel music
Hip Hop
Pop Music
How often do you experience severe headaches?
On daily basis
Once in a while like a month
Not at all
First of all, have you ever suffered from any chronic disease?
Yes, I have a chronic disorder
No! I have never suffered from any chronic disease
Yes but am okay now
Not sure
What do your friends say about you?
That I'm a psycho and that I don't care about people
That I'm very caring and that I show interest in people
That I'm a caring friend
That I'm not a social person but I'm a loyal friend
What is one vice you wish to give up?
How many friends do you have?
I don't have any friends
A few
Do you have suicidal thoughts?
I am already dead from inside
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