What Is Your Midlife Satisfaction Level? Take This Test To Find Out!
Via Healthline
What is your favorite color?
Choose the image that you most identify with when it comes to the work environment.
Collaborative, Animated, Proactive
Late, unmotivated
Relaxed and Popular
Disorganized and Messy
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Via Pinterest
Make the bed
Via Pinterest
Check mobile and social media
Via Pinterest
I urgently need a coffee
Via Pinterest
I do meditation and yoga
How do you pack your suitcase to travel?
Via Pinterest
I take whatever I want
Via Pinterest
I only take what I'm really going to use
Via Pinterest
I make a list of essentials
Via Pinterest
I want to carry the whole house in a small backpack
Others consider you a person:
Cheerful and Fun
Motivated and Focused
Exemplary and Careful
Romantic and Attentive
How do you feel when you look at the past?
What would your therapist's reaction be to meeting you on the street?
Greet me with a slight smile and a look of admiration
Stop and ask, how's everything going?
Smile and wave from afar
Cross to the other side
Via Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash
Lastly, which pet would you choose?
A dog
A cat
A Bird
A reptile or rodent
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