What Do You Need To Heal?
Via Canva
Do you have difficulty coping with loss or overcoming traumatic events?
a) Yes, I have significant difficulties dealing with losses and traumatic events.
b) Sometimes, depending on the situation, I have difficulties, but I seek help when necessary.
c) I can rarely get over losses and traumatic events with relative ease.
d) No, I can handle losses and traumatic events well.
Do you feel trapped in harmful or addictive behavior patterns, such as compulsions or obsessions?
a) Yes, I am struggling to break these patterns of behavior.
b) I sometimes have moments where I fall into these patterns, but I'm working on it.
c) I am rarely able to avoid harmful or addictive behaviors.
d) No, I do not have harmful or addictive behavior patterns.
Are you going through a period of significant stress in your life?
a) Yes, I am facing a lot of stress these days.
b) Yes, but I'm handling it well.
c) No, I am relatively calm at the moment.
d) I am always under constant stress.
Do you feel like you're struggling with negative thoughts or feelings on a regular basis?
a) Yes, I constantly feel trapped in negative thoughts.
b) Sometimes, but I manage to deal with them properly.
c) I am rarely able to maintain a positive outlook.
d) No, I do not deal with negative thoughts or feelings.
Do you feel like you have a hard time forming healthy or lasting relationships?
a) Yes, I have consistent problems in this area.
b) Sometimes I have some challenges, but I also have healthy relationships.
c) I am rarely able to establish healthy relationships without problems.
d) No, I have healthy and lasting relationships.
Do you feel that you have difficulty controlling your impulses?
a) Yes, I often feel unable to control my impulses.
b) Sometimes, depending on the situation, I have difficulty controlling them.
c) I can rarely control my impulses easily.
d) No, I have good impulse control.
Are you experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression?
a) Yes, I am currently seeking professional help to deal with this.
b) Yes, but I am already undergoing treatment and I feel myself improving.
c) No, I am not experiencing any mental health issues at the moment.
d) I am experiencing mental health issues but am not seeking help.
Do you feel like you are stuck in a self-defeating pattern or negative habits?
a) Yes, I am struggling to break this pattern or habit.
b) I sometimes have moments where I fall into this pattern, but I'm working on it.
c) I am rarely able to avoid self-defeating patterns and negative habits.
d) No, I do not have self-defeating patterns or negative habits.
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